
I cannot keep pace with the changes being forced on the language. Just when I had come to grips with the fact that "dank" no longer means what it used to mean for my entire (long) life.

That church advertisement on X was probably the most horrifying thing I've ever seen on the internet. Well, maybe second after Isis setting people on fire inside metal cages. It occurs to me that this would be a great time to end the world. Maranatha!

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I've always like the word "demure." It's a great word! I even used the adverb form in the episode I published today--but properly, for a young woman obeying her mother's command to wash the dishes!

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I think it’s important to recognize that what that UCC “pastor” is saying and doing really is a peek at mainline church “theology.” The leadership of each and every one of those mainline church bodies would celebrate that “pastor” and video. Recognizing that reality means that a faithful Christian cannot stay within those church bodies. To do so is to give tacit approval to the “big lie.” Plenty of people will say that national church bodies or denominations do not matter. In many ways they are correct, but it does mean for those who stay a compromised witness and support for “pastors” and “churches” like in the video.

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That "pastor's" video is straight from some Orwellian world in which demure means brazen, loud, antinomian, and garishly colorful.

As in, "Woke Rage is Demure."

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Translations (as near as I can tell):

"no cap" - not lying or exaggerating.

"slay" - used to describe basically anything cool, pretty, awesome

"rizz" - skill in charming or seducing a potential romantic partner, especially with words

"bussin" - great; wonderful; amazing

"brat" - someone who is confidently rebellious, unapologetically bold, and playfully defiant

"menty b" - from "mental breakdown" - it can refer to a stressful situation


"Brat Summer" is a reference to the album "Brat" from "artist" Charli XCX. One commentator wrote that "Essentially, a Brat summer is a summer where you let loose, stay out late, act like a brat, wear a lot of green (in the specific shade of the album cover ideally) and generally have a good time, probably while listening to Brat."

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