Except for God's great love, you would think He might strike dead anyone who sings those words. Thanks for the the arrangement of "Arise My Soul." Before the throne my surety stands!

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Thank you for giving voice to my outrage and disgust at these 'kinder, enlightened, DEI lyrics'. I literally want to scream when a hymn with rich liturgy ends up on the woke power point screen in a church that stands for nothing. God help us, please deliver us from this madness.

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“Join the ancient prophet's cry for a time of health and plenty when all tears have been wiped dry; when compassion flows like waters, pouring balm for all who grieve”

Before the world gets there, there’s a whole lot of other”stuff” that does not fit the pretty picture of which they sing.. you have to read the end chapters of Daniel and read Revelation to know it is not as they sing.

Twila Paris wrote the song in 1993- “God is in Control’ with the line I think about every day. “There is a line drawn across the ages.”

This is no time for fear

This is a time for faith and determination

Don't lose the vision here

Carried away by emotion

Hold on to all that you hide in your heart

There is one thing that has always been true

It holds the world together.

History marches on

There is a bottom line drawn across the ages

Culture can make its plan

Oh, but the line never changes

No matter how the deception may fly

There is one thing that has always been true

It will be true forever

God is in control

We believe that His children will not be forsaken

God is in control

We will choose to remember and never be shaken

There is no power above or beside Him, we know

God is in control, oh God is in control

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Very well done, Anne.

The tone-deaf poetry of that humanist hymn is a good match for its clueless message.

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Oh my…..I could literally see Satan clapping with glee at this blasphemous song. Gave me chills, and not the good kind!

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