
I think the Tradwife movement is all a conspiracy directed by the sourdough bread industry. Big Sourdough is giving the marching orders to these henchwomen, in my opinion.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Anne Kennedy

Seriously though, Anne, you did a FABULOUS job of analysis in this piece!

Early in my life, I was told that Progressives wanted to "live and let live" ... but that protocol only lasted as long as they were in the minority. Now it's the steel-reinforced work boot on the necks of traditional women.

I do have to admit, it puts me in a jolly mood to see our enemies tremble at women being good mothers and such.

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A sobering thought while reading this: there is no longer any daylight between what might be a Taylor Lorenz quote or a Christianity Today article.

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I couldn’t love this more

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I can tell you had too much fun writing this, Anne. I definitely got my healthy laughs of the morning out of it.

But, Anne, your ministry is reading ridiculous stuff do we don't have to. So I expect a review of Sisters in Hate.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

First, in response to the Mother Jones article, a quote from Tom Stoppard is in order:

“I can’t help somebody who thinks, or thinks he thinks, that editing a newspaper is censorship, or that throwing bricks is a demonstration while building tower blocks is social violence, or that unpalatable statement is provocation while disrupting the speaker is the exercise of free speech…Words don’t deserve that kind of malarkey.”

Second, my wife experienced this kind of backlash/disdain from her business partner in her event design company, when she prioritized our family over “growing the company,” but of course, it wasn’t about “growing the company,” but about shaping her/their image as women who hired a nanny to take care of the children so that they could appear independent from the image of being a mother, which was the ultimate worst thing if one wants to be considered professional. It was odd, because I had been thinking how cool and fierce my wife was for starting her own business so that she could set her workload at a pace that still allowed her to invest herself into doing something that she really loves, which is raising our children. And she does love it. She gets deep and lasting joy from engaging with them, from helping build them towards success, from sharing all the art and music that she has loved and watching our children run with it. We are oddly a “trad” family, but of course, have never really thought of ourselves that way. Rather, just partners in crime trying to pull off the ultimate heist of loving each other and our children while we struggle through this life together.

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Alyssa Grenfell posted a video titled "Why Are There So Many Mormon Influencers (A Theory)" on YouTube four days ago. She says that women have emailed her stating that they've considered becoming Mormon because of Ballerina Farm.

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Thank you, thank you for this!!!

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I had never heard of Tradwives videos, and seldom of the idea of a Tradwife. It's amusing, and frightening, that contemporary feminists have abandoned the idea of individual liberty and freedom of choice. And those on the left seem to consider any idea more conservative than theirs as being fascist. (That's consistent with what James Lindsay calls "the iron law of Woke projection.") I keep wondering if many feminists actually hate being women.

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Women embracing the patriarchy, it's the end of the world as we know it.

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"Polecule"? (“Aggressive” anti-feminism is married to anti-diversity, which creates a POLECULE with proud pro-whiteness. ) Typo or new word for me?

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