This is probably my favorite "He Gets Us" passage in the Bible, from the end of St. John's Gospel, the 2nd Chapter:

"But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men, And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man."

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Anne, before Tik Tok I was in that makeup store with my teen daughter. Not one of the heavily madeup staff would assist me as all of them were with teenagers. At the checkout I was asked if I had any assistance. I loudly said “No as I was not 16!” Also stated I would purchase items anywhere other than Sephora. My daughter was embarrassed. It’s as if 40 year old women are invisible compared to teens in there. Perhaps I could have handled this better and maybe now I would.

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When I saw the He Gets Us add, I was like, yeah, sure, he gets us, but you folks do not get this song at all. Hillarious. Also. The recording is from Johnny Cash’s American Album series.

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