
This is SO on-point, Anne. Thank you!

Jezebel as girl-boss ... this is the kind of thing that will keep me reading you forever.

In my twenties, as a zealous and ignorant Christian, I used to revel in being a Troubler. It seemed like fun. Then in my late thirties I quieted down and become mostly winsome. I just wanted me and my family to be left alone.

Now, I am feeling myself more directly in Elijah's place ... the regretful Troubler. I Trouble as little as I feel God will let me get away with, but it has become impossible (without lying) to avoid it.

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Reading this is a great antidote to self-pity and anxiety over what others think. Need to remember it’s the audience of one I need to be most concerned about. Thank you! So appreciate your humor.

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Thanks for this Anne! Interesting how one can be a Troubler without even trying. This particular subject has torn my family apart. We can do nothing but stand on God’s word and trust His promises. Thanks again!

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Killing all the prophets of Baal was definitely not very nice. Definitely upsetting to that one girl-boss whatshername.

Got a couple literal LOLs out of this one!

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There never has, and never will be, any excuse for molding God into our image.

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You are a treasure. I'm so glad I found your work.

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I have so enjoyed your podcasts Anne. I am reading through the Bible as well and I am wading through Ezekiel. I feel so bad for all the prophets, really although I know they are enjoying their eternal reward as I write this. I thought this was an interesting article and I was wondering what you thought. Intend to agree with it. Lori


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"The church’s inability to recognize the God it claims to worship, and to free itself from incessant bickering over [the legitimacy of shoplifting], has become profoundly toxic. It has not only harmed individuals, but it has impeded the church’s broader mission and cast a pall over everything else that we do. This book invites us all to move on in peace and harmony."

Following along in the Hays's line of reasoning, ink tags, like churches which refuse to endorse same-sex couplings, are just another form of benefit denial, are they not?

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