
"Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus; He is a Friend that's well-known.

You have no other such a Friend or brother; tell it to Jesus alone."

But on the merely human level - there is some Force loose in the universe that wants us each completely isolated from other human beings. This latest technique to achieve that is chilling. I say we double down on building deep, personal relationships with actual living, soul-endowed people!

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And ... isn't it so incalculably odd that (in the advertisement) the Friend hangs in precisely the pectoral location where, depending from a string or necklace, Jesus used to hang ... paying for our sins and ready to be touched in difficult moments ... and answer us even without using a cellphone?

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They should call it Wilson.

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It makes me think that many will be more careful and guarded with what they say in future, knowing that people are wearing these, maybe not out in the open, and everything they say is recorded and stored in the cloud...

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Truly and tragically ironic that an electronic device would ever be referred to as an "embodied companion."

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I saw this ad and literally thought it was a Babylon Bee piece🫣

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My wife and I attend two camp meetings every July here in rural west TN. It is often quite hot and humid and the sweat mixes well with the hymn singing and fellowship we have with family and other Christians. "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" is a hymn we have sung so often that the congregation does not need a hymnbook to follow along. There are other other hymns like "Victory in Jesus", "Dwelling in Beulah land", and "Church in the Wildwood" we all sing with gusto and joy! Listening to these hymns on any personal device is one of the most uplifting thing any of us could do!!

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Just when we thought the world couldn’t possibly get any more anti-human and self-extinguishing…

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Seriously?!? There is such a thing like that? Holy Toledo. this was great, Anne, and how have I missed this? It’s been out a whole month. (Maybe i need a Friend to remind me to read your Substack>) JK. Thankful for you. Keep it up!

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Yes, first excited thought - “he needs Jesus!” “Excited” because there is hope and it doesn’t come from a fake gadget which gives shallow comfort through short texts. The Father’s are truly & deeply known, heard, comforted, and delighted in (to name just a few things we enjoy from the perfect Companion).

2nd thought - sadness because I’m afraid people might actually think that thing could satisfy their need for community.

And thanks for the point that this thing specifically identifies the lonely and in need of community. Maybe the Lord has a sense of humor and is just making it overly obvious- like, “Hey, stop overthinking this; I’m just gonna tag some for ya.”

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Now I’ve heard about this “AI friend”thing 2 times in one day. I think it is truly sad that this will be some people’s best friend.

I’m looking forward to hearing your review of Megan Basham’s book!!

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I’ve seen the controversy about Megan Basham’s Shepherd’s For Sale book but I confess I don’t know who she is writing about. I think Anglicans have a connection to the evangelical world that Lutherans just don’t have. It’s just an observation. I look forward to Anne’s analysis and review. I am certain I will learn something new.

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