“The way of peace in marriage and in church is if both people know they are bad. If just one person believes himself to be good, the flames of jealousy and rage begin to grow. “

I so agree ! Just wish it hadn’t taken me so long to see that TRUTH🩷

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“But how can one begin to face one’s own badness with any hope? “

Really the only hope we can have is if we admit we are bad, sinners, dead.

If I do something “inappropriate “, I can learn to be appropriate. If I make a mistake, I can fix it. If I am broken, I can blame someone else. But only if I admit I am a sinner, I acted evilly, only then can I receive forgiveness and mercy and restoration. In our fear and pride we (I) do not want to admit sin, but only in that humility can we (I) be restored.

And now I am going to take Anne’s frequent advice and go to church.

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What a beautiful message, Anne, especially at the end, about the young child and our necessary response in life.

Interestingly, I have been meeting a few Calvinists lately. I sometimes feel as if Calvinists are "minished from the earth" and that I'm the last one left. It's been very refreshing.

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