"This is the point in late-stage decadence where the progressives who created a perfect world for themselves look around and hate what they have made."

Thank you Sage Steele for clearly naming "evil" for what it is. Watching Steele listen and allow Micheals to pontificate with shock and awe about the very liberal world she helped create is a master class in apologetics. Michaels astonished comments surely echo those throughout history when a self-worshipping godless culture implodes on itself. The walls are crumbling.

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She may check off a great number of intersectional categories, but to all appearances she's an upper-class, wealthy white woman who can express herself well. However, she couldn't see the trajectory of her ideas and now she is horrified when they appear. Her assumptions about certain good things are being challenged - and she can't see that the ideas behind the changes she wanted are the reasons why 24-year-old homosexual men are allowed to sleep with pubescent teen boys, to her horror.

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What a crazy world! As Thomas Sowell says (paraphrased), "Progressivism ensues when people in ivory towers don't have to deal with reality."

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Wow, Jillian has one of the highest Intersectionality Scores EVER!

As you say, Anne, there is no power (or incentive, even) in their worldview's postulates and theorems which would allow them to stop halfway down the frictionless slide to perdition. On their assumptions, there can be no "brakes" on human depravity.

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"Intersectional privilege."

That is so on target, I'm going to steal it.

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Great article with one caveat, if I may.

There’s a bit of an issue with denying that “we’re all equal”. That is if one is speaking in the sense of equal value, dignity, and worth as God’s creatures, we must say that all human beings are equal in that sense. And that is one of the self-evident truths that we declared at our founding. It is good to remind one another of such things as we approach the 4th of July here in the USA. It is the premise upon which the right to life and pro-life positions are based.

That being said, the true concern is the claim to “sameness” or interchangeability between different types of people— men and women, rich and poor, children and parents, rules and subjects. Everyone is not interchangeable or functionally the same, even though, as God worshippers we can stand firm on the imago Dei.

I believe these are important distinctions that separate biblical conservatives from the white suprematists, misogynists, and radicals.


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