This is the first time I have heard of that program, but I agree on starting very early, particularly in having children involved in worship.

My parish that practices communion to all baptized children has opened my eyes to this. Over 20 years, I cannot recall a single time when a child had acted up at the communion rail. 99% of the time, they are quiet and reverent. They clearly sense something special is happening.

(I will leave aside the issue of those times small children are disruptive. I don't want to start a war here.)

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I will add that the little children usually seem happy to come up to receive communion! Again, they sense it is something special.

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What you describe complements the books I've been reading lately, James K. A. Smith's Desiring the Kingdom, and Imagining the Kingdom, and Lacy Finn Borgo's Spiritual Conversations with Children. The first two establish the epistemological foundations for this shift to worship and practice as essential for formation of disciples of all ages. Lacy's book guides folk into genuine spiritual conversations with children and formative practices. As I have taught a seminary course on ministry to children and families, your recommendation prompts me to look closely at the Catechesis materials. Thanks, again, Anne.

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Again, you've contributed to my overladen bookshelf. Looking forward to reading the Cavalletti book. My child is grown and gone, but I'm also invested in the spiritual formation of the kids in my parish...

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