Last evening our parish had the Divine Service (Lutheran speak for worship) and we prayed for the president and those in authority. We sang Eternal Father Strong to Save and heard from St. Mark chapter 4. After the service I went home and hugged my wife and together we watched baseball. All this to echo Anne, “it’s going to be ok.” And it is. Thanks be to God.

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Humor is a wonderful way to cope. This bit was therapeutic for me:

"Paging PG Wodehouse to come back from the grave and write a long golf novel called The Great Debate."

But thanks most for pulling me away from catastrophizing over the pig's breakfast we've made for ourselves in 2024 to view the throne of God, to remember the depth of his mercy to many of us who had earned a just condemnation for our rebellion.

As Jeeves once observed, "The poet Browning in his Pippa Passes, having established that the hour is seven A.M., goes on to say, "The lark's on the wing, the snail's on the thorn."' And God is, indeed, in his heaven.

Keep bracing us with that stiff upper lip, Anne!

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Enjoyed your takes on the debate. Actually, I could only watch for a few minutes. And I was most fascinated by the hair on both men. Is there no one who will say "That looks terrible--let me fix it!" ??? My second thought was "Is this the best America has to offer?" From either side? But Jeffrey is right--It's going to be ok because God is still in control. I liked his idea about worshiping and praying during the debate. Next time!

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I’m at the Reformed Presbyterian International Conference (for the RPCNA, RPC of Canada, RPC of Ireland, etc.). Last night we “just so happened” to sing Psalm 33 after the keynote message, which “just so happened” to be part of the series for the week, from the book of Daniel, on living and ministering here in this Babylon in which we live. 1,500 saints raising their voices to declare this glorious message in song, praising the Lord. Read Psalm 33. Then sing it (33C from The Book of Psalms for Worship from Crown & Covenant if you can!). Absolutely glorious! Yes, yes, it will be perfectly OK no matter what happens here.

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All week I’ve been meaning to say, welcome to my fair city!! Yesterday was a particularly gorgeous day to be in Pittsburgh and I’m glad you enjoyed it.

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The Mt. Washington Inclines!! Cindy and I ride them whenever we visit Pittsburgh. We've attended a lot of bodybuilding contests there.

One of our most very favourite Anglican churches is near the top of one of the inclines: Grace Church, Mt. Washington. Highly recommended!!

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Anne, I too watched the debate. It was beyond depressing, but reading your post lifted my spirits somewhat. Thank you for that!

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